Since Mommy has been behind in updating the blog, here is a sampling of what the Garutti boys have been up to this summer!
Chomping on a rib at the Big Apple BBQ.
Every weekend we check out the turtles and ducks in Central Park.
Mommy's friends Riki and Gili played with Caleb outside the American Museum of Natural History! They are practicing for the little bambino they are expecting in January!
Busy day at the park!
Connor ... just lounging around!
Caleb playing with one of his favorite things ... water ... at Cousin Devon's 4th birthday party.
Winding up at CitiField!
I love tummy time!
A thirsty Caleb James!
Aunt Arianna and Connor get some quality time!
"Why are these fishies swirling around above my head?"
Brotherly love!
Playing on the Highline downtown.
Its fun to walk around wearing Mommy's shoes!
The brothers G!
I love hot dogs!
Safety first! You never know what could happen in the living room.
Playing Ring Around the Rosey with Grammy!
Playing ball in Central Park with my friends Ryan and Jake. They are big boys!
Picture time!
Party time on the terrace with my friends Morgan and Harper.
More fun on the terrace ... this time with my friend, Blake.
Mmmmm .... yummy watermelon. Thanks Blake's mom!
Hmmm ... my brother is cute!
Brushing up on my positive discipline techniques. Mommy and Daddy have been misbehaving a lot lately!
Uncle Kevin meets Connor Marc!
Caleb and Daddy goofing around in the neighborhood.
Swing time in the Berkshires with Nana & Pops!
Playing ball with my friend Blake in Central Park.
Then Blake and his mommy came over for dinner and she had storytime with both boys! She's a good story reader.
Who doesn't want to eat these feet!!
Where's Dubbie? We love to feed Auntie Lizzy's dog.
Caleb's friend Hayden came over for lunch. Lenny's prepared some yummy gourmet sandwiches. And no meal would be complete without my green cup o' milk!
Pops celebrated a birthday while he was in NYC this summer. "Hey Pops, can I get a bite of that cupcake?"